Jamie: A Simmons Brothers Story Read online

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  Once she was naked, he stripped his own clothes away coming back to her as she opened to him. He hand his hand up her smooth thigh, pulling her leg against his hip so that she’d wrap her legs around him. Settling closer to her, Jamie watched as her eyes went dark with desire. And when his name trembled on her lips, he filled her, pushing her so fast to climax that he felt her shudder and knew his own control was slipping quickly through his hands. “Gabrielle,” he breathed, only to find that her mouth has clamped, none too gently onto his shoulder. Her nails dug into his back as he continued to fill her, her gasps like sugar to a sweet tooth.

  Looking down at her, Jamie felt her hot pussy clench down in a rhythm that had him cursing under his breath. “I’m sorry,” he said as his own orgasm simply slipped through him, beyond his ability to control it.

  His muscles strained to hold himself up as his bones simply melted away. Then she was laughing and rolling him over, her body rising up over him so that her beautiful breasts bounced above him. She grinned wickedly as she reached down to stroke him, ruling his body in a way no woman ever had.

  Then she was taking him in again, riding him to a clear and fast finish.

  Jamie waited for her to fall asleep before he eased out of the house, quietly locking the door behind him.


  Gabrielle awoke with a start.

  For a second, she was confused about where she was then remembered that this was the room of the house. How had she ended up here? She remembered being in the car with Jamie and her body remembered how he’d taken her in the night, with a restrained passion that even now made her body tremble. She sighed and then smiled as she recalled the fair. It had been so much fun, he had been so much fun.

  What time was it? She looked around and saw that it was near two. She had better get some work done or Joe would be mad at her. She picked up her cell and saw that there were three missed calls from Joe. She called him back and waited for him to pick up.

  “What’s up?” she said when he picked up.

  “Where were you?” he asked.

  “I was tired. Anything urgent?”

  “Kind of. I wanted to tell you something,” he said. “You don’t have to stay out there anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” she said, her heart stopping.

  “You can come back now. Dave left the company so there’s nothing stopping you from working your usual post. Isn’t that great?”

  But Gabrielle, listening to him, couldn’t even speak as she thought about what that phrase meant for her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Something was wrong.

  Jamie could feel that something was wrong. It wasn’t like Gabrielle to avoid him like this. He tried to talk himself out of being wrong about it, but the hints said otherwise. She hadn’t contacted him in two days and whenever he went to the house, she didn’t open the door. He hadn’t done anything wrong, that he knew of, but there had to be something on her mind.

  He even had the images of her washed and they looked great. She looked happy in the images and he knew that he should get them to her soon. But why was she avoiding him?

  He had to know the reason. With that thought in mind, he prepared to visit her for the day. This time, he wouldn’t leave, until he knew what was going on.

  When he reached her place, he rang the bell several times and then even knocked for good measure.

  “I know you are in there,” he shouted. “I am note leaving until you come out!”

  “Go away Jamie,” he heard her whisper.

  “Not fair, Gabrielle,” he said. “Let me in.”

  After a few seconds of silence, the door opened and he saw her standing on the other side, looking down. When he saw her, the frustration went out of him and he entered before holding her shoulders and asking,

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Jamie…” she didn’t finish her sentence and looked worse than before.

  “I have some images washed for you,” he said. “You should take a look at them, they turned out great.”

  He was trying to find a way to change the awkward atmosphere but then she took his hand and looked at him before saying,

  “Joe called me,” she said. “He said that I could go back.”

  There was a long silence after what she said and he tried to make sense of her words. The first thing that hit was the crippling pain, how could he let her go? That was impossible, but then he forced himself to recall that he had expected this would happen. He had told himself that she had a life different than his, but a part of him wanted to believe that he could always have her with him, that she would want to stay.

  “So then you should go.”

  Her eyes, filling with tears, fixed on him and she whispered,

  “You want me to go?”

  “I want you to do what makes you happy,” he said. “And if being happy means that you should go back to where your job is then…”

  “You know that’s not it!” she said, agitated. “I want to be here with you! I want…”

  “You want to be there too, working your job. Doing what you always dreamed of,” he finished.

  The silence persisted and then he placed the envelope on the table and said,

  “I’ll see you later.”

  With that, he walked away from her, leaving her alone to her thoughts even as his own heart was breaking from it.


  Gabrielle heard him drive away and then collapsed on the couch, her head a mess of thoughts. She couldn’t think about why he was being like this, but then she understood that he was giving her the easy way out. It couldn’t have been easy for him to think that she was going to leave one day and he was basically telling her that it would be all right if she did leave, but she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to leave him. She wanted to stay here, but she didn’t want to give up her job either. She had to make a decision.

  Joe was waiting for her and she couldn’t delay it any longer.

  She walked over to the table where Jamie had left the images for her and opened it. She expected it to be images of the fair, but they were images of her, enjoying herself.

  Somehow he had captured everything perfectly and that was his talent. She saw the pictures, her smiling face in them and couldn’t help but feel tears prick her eyes. Never had she been faced with such a decision. When Dave’s wife had come into her office, the only thing she had felt was horror towards Dave, it hadn’t been hard breaking the relationship off with him. That had been something she did without any remorse, it was only the mark on her pride that really affected her.

  Now, she felt as if she was breaking apart. This had to be worth something right? She saw her smiling face in the images again and her decision came to her. With determination, she picked up the cell and dialed a number.


  Jamie sipped the coffee he held in his hands but felt no warmth for it.

  It was a couple of hours after he had left Gabrielle and his heart was still recovering from the pain that he felt when he forced himself to leave. He wanted to go back in and tell her that he was wrong and that she should stay with him, but that would have been selfish of him. He would be doing the wrong thing.

  But what was the right thing?

  “Something on your mind?” Drew asked, sitting down beside him.

  “You seem to be there whenever I’m in deep thought,” said Jamie, sipping his coffee.

  “I might become a therapist for you,” Drew grinned. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing,” Jamie said. “Or something. Gabrielle got asked to go back to her office.”

  “That’s going to suck. You told her to stay didn’t you?” Drew said.

  “No, I told her to do what made her happy.”

  “That’s gotta hurt. But you did tell her how you felt right?”

  “How I felt?” Jamie said listlessly. “I couldn’t tell her I loved her.”

  “Why not?”

  “I think that would have been unfair to h
er. I know what kind of person she is. She would have stayed if I said that. I want her to make the decision on her own.”

  “While I admire your noble ways, I think that was pretty stupid of you,” Drew said. “You know that she would have wanted to hear that.”

  “What’s the point Drew?” Jamie said. “It would have made her feel worse.”

  “Sometimes I think you let the moment pass by you too easily. You know how much I wish I could have said the things I wanted to her when she was here don’t you?” Drew said with uncharacteristic seriousness.

  Jamie took in a sharp breath. “You know that’s not the same.”

  “The feelings are. I lost my chance, you shouldn’t lose yours.”

  Drew stood up and patted his shoulder before going inside the house. Jamie sighed, regretting having reminded Drew of something that was painful to him but his words did have a point and a sharp one. He hadn’t told Sally of his feelings either, but that had been completely different. Jamie had always known that Sally hadn’t felt the same and those feelings dissipated as if they were nothing. Gabrielle, she wouldn’t disappear. She meant too much.

  Maybe he should have told her that he loved her.

  But the chance was probably gone now, she would be leaving soon anyway.

  His heart hurting more than ever, he got up to go back inside but the sound of someone walking made him stop. He looked up and saw her, walking towards him with a determined look in her eyes. He opened his mouth, but she stopped him with a raised arm.

  “Let me finish first,” she said. “I talked to Joe and we got to an agreement.”

  He was prepared to hear her say that she was going to be leaving but instead she said,

  “I am going to be around every day except a few times when I am going to disappear for work. Other than that, I am going to be bothering you a lot.” Her eyes filled with tears as she said, “Also, I love you.”

  “B-but…” he spluttered. “Your work? Your home?”

  “I decided that going back didn’t mean anything, unless I had you with me,” she said. “And I never thought I would see the day when Jamie Simmons would sputter.”

  Jamie remained still before he ran to her and hugged her tightly. He heard her laugh through her tears before hugging him.

  “Tell me you love me,” she ordered.

  “I do love you,” he said. “I thought that was obvious.”

  “Make it more obvious next time.”

  “I’ll show it to you every day,” he promised, before kissing her.


  “I really do like the look of this,” Lana said approvingly.

  She looked around the table, happy to see everyone seated with their respective partners except for Drew, who was casually helping himself to the cornbread. When she had thought about doing this dinner party, she had been glad that there had been a table that would be big enough for everyone. It really did make her happy to be a hostess, something she had always wondered why her mother would do for everyone. She really got it now, with everyone around her.

  “It smells great,” said Gabrielle.

  “Thank you, Gaby,” Lana said, smiling warmly at her. Gabrielle was a delight and she could see why Jamie liked her so much, she had the fire that Jamie didn’t.

  Cat and Mark were helping themselves too and looking at each other happily. Cat was definitely something else and the way they were planning, they were probably going to expand the ranch soon.

  “Ugh, all the couples are making me sick,” Drew said, as Pete rolled his eyes.

  “You’re next,” Mark and Jamie said at the same time.

  “Don’t bet on it,” Drew said. “That’s past me now.”

  “Who knows,” Lana agreed. “There might be someone coming for you too.”

  “Speaking of that,” Jamie said. “Did I mention that Henderson is going for a new change in the town?”

  “What kind of change?” Pete asked interested.

  “He is going to introduce new ways to attract tourists. He wants new income from them so basically, you are going to see a lot of new faces around here soon.”

  “That sounds great,” Lana said. “Maybe Drew’s princess in shining dress will be one of those tourists.”

  Drew scoffed and Jamie only fixed him with a gaze, a gaze filled with worry. Jamie knew that Drew was always against any emotional attachment but couldn’t help feeling that maybe it was time for him to really let go of the past. As he thought of the new changes, he couldn’t help but get a feeling that something was going to change and that it was coming towards them soon.

  He felt Gabrielle squeeze his hand from beneath the table and smiled at her. At least he had his change and he was better because of it.

  He wouldn’t be anywhere else but here with her, for now and forever.

  The End.

  Make sure you don’t miss Drew’s story! It comes out 10/1/2017

  About the Author

  Danielle Gray has always enjoyed creative writing and this is her first foray into the romance novel world. As a history major in school, she loves making sure details are correct, down to the saddle of the times.

  Although, she never sought out a writing career, her desire for the written word grew the more she home-schooled her daughter.

  Now, Danielle lives in the Midwest with her husband, amazing daughter and two furry friends. Living in paradise, being a stay at home mom, and to be able to share her stories has been a blessing.

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  Check out my other books:

  Daughters of DeSmet Series:

  The Pastor's Daughter

  Ezekiel “Zeke” James, is a rancher by trade and by heart. It’s more than blood and bone; it’s a calling he’s known all of life. Still, scratching out a living in DeSmet, South Dakota isn’t easy, even with the new railroad. Being alone doesn’t make like any easier and Zeke finds himself hankering for someone to share his life with.

  Danielle Thompson is as beautiful as a prairie flower in full bloom. Young and strikingly gorgeous she’s used to men staring when she walks by. As an unattached woman, she finds herself the recipient of many an unwanted kindness. When she’s yanked up into Zeke’s saddle as he returns from a long and successful cattle drive, they both get more than they bargained for.

  When life offers adventure, can Zeke convince Danielle that they have more to share than a fast, hard ride, or will Danielle run back to the waiting arms of her stern, but predictable father?

  At Your Service: Daughters Of DeSmet #2

  Rebekah Bradley is the only survivor of a brutal attack of Apache Indians during her trip west with her older brother. Hiding inside a built-in box inside the wagon she was traveling in, Rebekah is found unconscious by men from the town of DeSmet in the Dakota Territory. Johann Tska, who runs the hotel, agrees to shelter Rebekah while she grieves for her brother and family who were lost in the raid.

  Realizing she needs money to live, Rebekah asks Johann if she can work for him waiting tables. Johann agrees as he’s found a soft spot for the beautiful young woman. Over the next year, that soft spot turns into something much more grown up and Rebekah must decide whether or not she shares Johann’s attraction and love.

  His Bedside Manner: Daughters of DeSmet Book 3

  Dr. Josiah Isaacson arrived in DeSmet, in the Dakota Territory to much fanfare. Within weeks of his arrival, he’s been offered an investment in a new hotel, more baked goods than any man can eat, and even a marriage proposal from a man, who apparently had a daughter to marry off.

  Shiloh Hensley is the sole survivor of a Scarlet fever outbreak that took everyone in her family. Dr. Isaacson finds her in the throes of the disease, brings her inside his clinic and nurses her back to health. During her recovery both Shiloh and Josiah must decide if they can risk th
eir hearts when so much has been taken from them. Will love prevail over every obstacle, or are some things insurmountable?

  Four Seasons Sisters Series:

  Lily: Desperate Measures (Four Seasons Sisters Book 1)

  Lily Fogel is one of four heiresses to a massive fortune, until the Civil War destroys her father’s finances that is. Forced to accept her parents’ new destitution, Lily refuses to marry the men her parents will inevitably parade her in front of in hopes of securing financial investments in return for her betrothal.

  When she runs across a mail order bride advertisement, she secretly answers the ad and is more than impressed with the man who returns her inquiry.

  Abner Anderson moved out west to Montana, three years prior and since then has been rethinking his decision. Living on the frontier, he’s more than aware that there are virtually no marriageable women within a three-hundred-mile radius. Sending out a mail order bride advertisement, he’s bombarded with answers from back east and answers only those that intrigue him.

  Can Abner win the heart of a woman who drives him so close to insanity that he can taste it? More importantly, does he want to? Will Lily ever learn what it means to love a man whose life is so far from the only life she’s ever known? Only time will tell whether their desperate measures will pay off in the end.

  Elizabeth: Desperate Times (Four Seasons Sisters Book 2)

  Elizabeth Fogel has never truly been interested in a traditional marriage with children. It’s not so much that she’s opposed to the idea, as it is that she feels unfit. She sees herself as a pariah, especially among her three pretty sisters. As the oldest, she feels a responsibility to watch over her sisters and help her parents as much as possible.

  When she accompanies her younger sister Lily to Montana as her chaperone, the last thing Elizabeth expected was to meet a man who sees her for who she is. When Jack Russman showers her with his seemingly undivided attention, Elizabeth struggles with keeping her head on straight, even as Jack makes his intentions all too clear.